In 1999/2000 the US Mint released dollar coins with the face of the American Indian guide Sacagawea. It was a return to dollar coins and the first female (since Susan B.) on the face of a US coin, it was supposed to be huge. What ended up happening was just another way for mass transit to easily make change at ticket machines and the use of these coins, in a couple years fell to, well, use with just mass transit. Since then the US Mint has started releasing dollar coins once again, his time as a series of presidential coins, finally presidents like James K Polk and Taft get their day in the spotlight! In turn they've also revamped and re released the failed Sacagawea dollars with a shinier finish and new back.
There you have it, ain't them purdy? That's the front of them anyway, the problem I have right now is with the back of the new one.
>I first saw these this past week while riding NJT to New Brunswick and something didn't sit right, here's a close up of the back of the new one.
Then it hit me, the font they used in the lettering on the back. It's a cheesy MSword decorative font like that kind used on cheap mexican food places. Take some change out of your pocket and check out the fonts used on most US Currency. Very official looking Serifs and San Serifs right? Then the US mint throws this shit ball font at us and it cheapens the look. My mom said it best when I showed her the coin "is that even real?" I understand what they were thinking when they made this coin, lets be honorable to native cultures in this country and portray a design that coincides with their culture. They could have easily done that by just keeping the very beautiful embossing work on the back (the woman even has tits!) and keeping the standard font used on the rest of US Currency. Instead they took the Disney approach and used that cheese ball font and in turn cheapened an entire culture, and that is why they need to FIRE THEIR DESIGNER!
-Jonny Gonzo
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