That last post was on a low night. Since then some things have come up that have changed my perspective on my little journey. Sure, I made mistakes, and sure I'm paying for them, but why give up? I try not to look up to sports stars and teams, but a perfect example of this has been the Philadelphia Phillies in this arduous World Series. Down 1-3 games against the Evil Empire that is the NY Yankees, the other night they went on the field, and despite problems, won the game 8 to 6. They are now down by only one game and stand a chance at winning the world series despite great odds against them. They may be losing still but they're doing it with style and are still striving.
Little stories like this are the things that I should take into thought and consideration. I'm going through a stressful period right now, but I've been there before, we all have. I just need to stop getting so down on myself and try to look at things differently. So, followers of the Gonzo, I am apologizing for my recent shit headedness, I assure you things are just going to keep on getting better from here on out.
- Jonny Gonzo
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